Food Service
Colton School District does not offer summer meals. However, all kids ages 18 and under are eligible to receive free meals at other locations nearby. To find a free meal site near you can call 211 or text the word "FOOD" to 304-304 or visit

The below cost is for one full meal only. A full meal must be taken. | ||
School | Breakfast | Lunch |
Elementary | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Middle | $0.00 | $0.00 |
High | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Starting the 2024-25 school year both breakfast and lunch are $0 cost for all students. There is no application necessary. This zero cost is because of funding through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program. Exceptions include:
Free only applies to the first full meal, any second meal will be charged a full cost.
$1.00 for breakfast
$2.55 elementary lunch
$2.80 middle/high lunch
If a full meal is not taken, the student will be charged a la carte for each item. See offer vs served guidance below for a description of a full meal.
Milk is no cost when part of a full meal, if taken individually there is a charge of $.40 each.
Additional information about CEP
Food Service Lead:
Melinda Haines 503-824-2311
Foodservice Supervisor:
Chris Gibb 503-824-3535
My Mealtime shows account balances and accepts online payments.
You can also apply online for Free and Reduced meals.
Payments show up on the student's account within 5 minutes.