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2022-2023 Inter-District Transfer Request
Please note, applications for transfer will not be accepted for the 2022-2023 School Year until May 16, 2022 and will be accepted through August 15, 2022.
Accepting non-resident students - Students will be accepted into Colton on inter-district transfers for grades K-12. Applications accepted effective May 16, 2022 through August 15, 2022. Transfers are good through graduation but require 92% attendance, no expulsions, suspensions, or 5 or more referrals;
For transferring out of district - the timeline for submitting applications is May 16, 2022 - August 15, 2022. Students will be released only if:
An educational, safety, or health condition affecting the student would be reasonably improved as a result of the transfer, or:
There is some other special hardship or detrimental condition affecting the student or the student’s immediate family which would be alleviated as a result of the transfer. Special hardship or detrimental condition includes but is not limited to the following:
The student is impacted by a parent or guardian’s military deployment;
The student experiences instability related to homelessness or foster care placement;
The student has a documented medical condition that necessitates transfer;
Death of a student’s parent / guardian;
The student is involved in a documented case of severe harassment, intimidation, bullying or cyberbullying.
A panel consisting of the Superintendent, the principal of the currently assigned school and confidential employee shall review requests for inter-district transfer.
Mid-Year Exception
Acceptance of Non-Resident Students – Applications will be accepted after the deadline for students:
If the student experiences a Hardship as defined by OAR 581-021-0019
Who begin the school year in Colton and move outside of school district boundaries (Contingent on being released by their new resident district).
Transferring Out of District – Applications will be accepted after the deadline for students:
If the student experiences a Hardship as defined by OAR 581-021-0019
Who start the school year in another district and wish to finish the year at their previous school.
Requests for transfer must be submitted to the Colton School District Office. The Inter District Transfer Form and written statement can be emailed to the district office at stonel@colton.k12.or.us after May 16, 2022.
If you would like to transfer into Colton School District, please contact your Resident School's district office for release information. (this release must be complete before incoming applications will be accepted).